FISSICOLA/ Sante / Communautaire / RDC/Congo
FISSICOLA/Sante Communautaire/DRC/Congo is a branch of an international humanitarian organization that fights poverty and hunger around the world by working alongside women and girls. This branch FISSICOLA/DRC Fights and attacks poverty from several angles, such as women’s rights, emergency aid, climate, education, health, economic development, food security, water and sanitation.
Solidarity in Action for the Fight against Poverty. FISSICOLA/ Sante Communautaire is a branch of non-governmental organization based in the DRC which aims to make grassroots populations real development partners for an egalitarian and resilient society. FISSICOLA/DRC intervenes in the areas of child protection, education, health, agriculture, environment, governance and the promotion of human rights.

The objective of this branch is to ensure sustainable development within the Nations of the world, eliminate poverty in all its forms and everywhere in the world by 2030. It consists of seven sub-objectives targeting the fight against poverty. poverty, access to basic services, reduction in the proportion of working poor and the most vulnerable people, particularly women and children. Several organizations and initiatives support this goal around the world such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Global Partnership for ending poverty (PEP).