Socio-educational, cultural and recreational association. The Union of Women Artists of the Congo aims to be at the service of human development, through socio-cultural and recreational programs, education, well-being.
Secretary General: Anaëlle KEBANITOU
Treasurer: Rochelvie BIKOUMOU
Registered under No. 372/MCA/DGCA/DRACK
Headquarters: Zola Cultural Center, 68 rue Moundzombo
Moungali – Brazzaville- Republic of Congo
Tel: 06 27 10 91 00 / Email: tuseo2004@yahoo.f
2003: Writing of the tuSeo laughter festival project.
2004: 1st edition, from 28 to 30 October 2004 in Brazzaville.
2005: 2nd edition, from 10 to 13 November 2005 at Brazzaville.
2006: 3rd edition, from 16 to 19 November 2006 in Brazzaville and Odziba (at100 km from Brazzaville).
2007: 4th edition, from October 16 to 21, 2007 in Brazzaville.
(Nominated best cultural activity at the Tamtam d’or).
2011: Return of the festival after 4 years of break, organization of a local edition. 5th edition, from October 22 to 27
2012 in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire.
6th edition from 23 to 27 July 2013 at Brazzaville.
7th edition from 18 to 23 November 2014 in Brazzaville (Best activity culture at the Congo Awards).
8th edition from 29 to 31 October 2015
9th edition from October 27 to 29, 2016
10th edition from October 25 to 28, 2017.
11th edition of 25 to 27 October 2018:
12th edition from 24 to 26 October 2019.
13th edition from 29 as of October 31, 2020 (online edition due to Covid-19).
Founder of the tuSeo association in Yvelines (78), Lauryathe Bikouta is a Franco-Congolese born in Brazzaville. She is a cultural and social entrepreneur, invested in solidarity happiness, actress and producer of cultural events. Lauryathe Bikouta graduated in French language and literature from Marien Ngouabi University. Ambitious, professional, and determined, in October 2004 she launched the tuSeo Festival, the first international laughter festival in the Republic of Congo and in the Central African sub-region. An inspiring woman, in 2008 she received a grant from the French government, through the cooperation and cultural action department of the French Embassy in Congo, to follow a training course in management of cultural projects and communication of cultural companies at the Institute of Culture, Communication and Management in Paris. His practical experience in the field allows him to support many artists and promoters in the cultural industry on a daily basis, in the development of their careers and their projects. Also a writer, Lauryathe Bikouta writes artistic files for creators with a view to their dissemination and promotion.
Festival tuSeo — Wikipédia ( Céphyse Bikouta — Wikipédia (

The first laughter festival in the Congo and in the Central African sub-region, tuSeo works to promote the contemporary creation of comedians from Africa, in the field of laughter in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. It gives professionals and amateurs the opportunity to bring their talent to the attention of a wide audience while promoting exchanges. The tuSeo festival allows the circulation of laughter shows between Congo and the rest of the world, to share good humor, to educate and entertain through laughter. The challenge beyond the entertaining aspect of this festival is to change the way this profession looks, to empower artists by encouraging them in an original way to the richness of the artistic and cultural heritage in society.
The tuSeo festival is organized by the Union of Women Artists of Congo (UFAC). Cultural Association, registered under No. 372/MCA/DGCA/DRACK.
TUSEO or TU-SAO appears as an invitation to meet the other that we do not yet know, but that we will discover around the Mbongi of TUSEO. We are thus invited to discover, discover ourselves and discover the other in his specificity which thus leads us into the universe of fraternity, friendship and solidarity and where around anecdotes men all become ONE through TUSEO. Life is told there under its different aspects of joy, joy, happiness as well as suffering, pain, sadness etc. TUSEO is a call from the unknown but which, in reality, is not one since it is the call of Sé, that is to say of the Father, our eternal Father of whom CHRIST speaks to us. personified. The Sé designates among the Bantu (Kongo and Ngala) the Father and the earth. This Father is none other than Love, LUZOLO and this earth appears as this space or even a given place where LUZOLO will experiment around TUSEO, laughter to bring people together despite their differences. “NZO-LOLO NI NZO-TUSEO” could we say in Kongo, that is to say the house of love is also that of laughter, therefore of joy, happiness and the gathering of human hearts. It is, after all, the house of life that is staged.
tuSeo is a philosophical concept that its director generated without being, perhaps aware of it, because it is indeed about “Living together”! tuSeo reasons like Tu seho , which could literally be translated: “put us together…there!”, resounding like a prayer to the sublime, an injunction, rather a supplication: Tu seho! But why this prayer? Because the world needs it so much! Globalization which was to bring together all the peoples of the earth in a single global village has made Nzenga everywhere! Nzenga, through the wars that the rich wage against the poor, and Nzenga in the internal wars of the poor among themselves! In this context of the global economy in depression, people panic, always tense and stressed, people need to laugh together. Oh youSeo! Laugh at the ridiculous, laugh at the absurd, laugh at it simply so that we are not the laughingstock of anyone: ” NZO-LOLO NI NZO-TUSEO” could we say in Kongo, that is to say the house of the love is also that of laughter, therefore of joy, happiness and the coming together of human hearts. It is, after all, the house of life that is staged. Tu Seo, nsia ba tu seesela, ngatu tua lembo ba seosolo dia bantu”. Tu seho ka nsiela ako! hysteria). Joy is therefore transmitted and shared. Tuseo mpe ka nseonseo ‘ako (a camouflaged laughter, as it were, a yellow laugh!). Sea mpe ka tsieyila ako, laughter is not synonymous with mockery reasoning like “mwa keri”, in the language of tuseo: mwané keri! And that makes you laugh!

Founded on April 13, 1999, by Lauryathe BIKOUTA, the Union of Women Artists of Congo is governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901.
Its purpose is to promote the artistic and literary works of women in particular. To be at the service of human development, through socio-cultural, recreational, educational and well-being programs.
The Union of Women Artists of Congo carries out its own projects, and leads them in partnership with other organizations. The activities of the association are carried out on a local, national, international and virtual (internet) level.
UFAC brings together men and women of culture from Congo and other countries around the world. It has been organizing the tuSeo festival, the international meeting place for laughter in Brazzaville, since October 2004 in Brazzaville.
The head office of UFAC is Brazzaville.
The last face-to-face meeting of the Union of Women Artists Congo, Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire at the tuSeo 2019 festival, at the Russian Cultural Center Brazzaville.